Saturday, September 27, 2014

Unless a Seed falls down to the fertile ground and dies, it shall not germinate. Unless a Spirit descends to the womb of hell and is refined, it shall not be fruitful. And so the Story begins, with the Heavenly Father sowing Himself into His fertile Will-Womb which is, Mother. Mother then incubated the Father in a timeless moment of warm supreme-affectionate LOVE. Sounds of inaudible yet terribly unquenchable Joy keeps caressing the Compatible Heart of the Father-Mother (LOVE-WILL) as the Father became the Son, which is LIGHT. The LIGHT sparked with invisible yet deeply orgasmic Bliss leading to a cosmic symphony in the immeasurable Heart of LOVE. The LIGHT is the Being which is the Only Begotten Son but which is truly the Father made manifest in LIGHT form. This greatly great Light-Being is Christ in whom all Beings of Light indwell, move and have out Being. Voice of Shepherd 📯 Spiritual-September-Secret 27 (S*S*S-27) "Blessed are You O Being of LOVE-Light when You have found your place in the Light-Body of the Father, which is Christ. Wherefore we assure You that Christ is no Man and no Man is Christ but let each Son of Man, as Jesus did also press inward and upward. The End is the Beginning as the Alpha is the Omega. Remember!"
The Lord then took him to Heaven and to his house and showed him a cupboard full of gold. Next the Lord showed him lots of tables that were covered in white and gold prepared and ready for his people (His Bride). Juan looked and could not see the end of the tables, and all the table settings were in gold and very beautiful. The Lord then returned him back to his earthly home where he gave him a hug and told him he loved him, and that he should tell the people that it wont be long before He comes. August 2011 Little Hugo visited Heaven the morning of August 18 2011 and this is what he experienced. He said he was walking on the narrow road on his way to heaven he was disturbed by satan who tried to convince him to walk on the broad way saying that the narrow road won’t lead him to the Lord. Juan replied that he loved Jesus and that he is taking the narrow road and he knows it is the right road. Then Jesus appeared and satan trembled at His presence it was so intense that he said that satan’s teeth were trembling. And satan was rebuked by the Lord. Hugo asked the Lord to forgive him of his sins on earth and the Lord said that He forgives him. The Lord gave him something like paper or a book and told him to write on it that he belongs to the Lord Jesus and that he will be obedient to Him. The Lord showed him 10 children on earth and how the devil was harassing them. We must really pray the blood of Jesus over our children and ask the Lord to protect our children as satan is targeting them also and we can surely know that its true because they are innocent and do not quite know how to handle these attacks. Then Jesus and Hugo went to his house and there were a lot of people in the house they were so many that he was over whelmed and ask nicely if they could go. I think that everyone there just wants to be close to the Lord the whole time. After that the Lord took him again where they caught fish the last time. He said that the river was very broad and long, and that he caught a crab and they were laughing about that. End Times Vision of Rapture & Tribulation Next they were as he explains riding on the clouds, then he said that Jesus told him to look down at the world where he saw a terrible earthquake where buildings were falling and also fire that came down from Heaven. Lots of people were running around terrified and screaming. Jesus explained that these people that he saw were not obedient to Him and did not listen to His warnings and that was why they were left behind. “Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you.” (Rev 3,3) He saw how people were screaming for help but nobody could help them. He saw volcano’s erupting all over the world. He saw a lot of smoke and there was chaos all over. Jesus told Him to Go tell my people to prepare themselves because I am coming soon. Tell them that I come for Holy people because I Am Holy. Scripture given to us after this visit to heaven: Habakkuk 2:2-3 “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” February 2012 He woke me up and told me he saw the black gate of Hell again but did not visit Hell this time. As he was walking along the road he came to the heavenly gate where he then used a code to open the gate. He said that one could not go in without the code and that once you are in you could not go out again and that Jesus did not want anyone to go out of the gate. September 2012 In his next encounter in Sept 2012 the Lord showed him the Angels ready to blow the trumpets, and also the tables that were ready and plated. “Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed- in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” (1Cor 15,51-52) An angel showed him houses that were not yet finished and explained to him that how we work here on earth determines how far the houses are built in heaven. One experience he had this month was when Jesus came to fetch him and they were walking between houses here on earth going from house to house. He told us how they were moving around in the houses and that they could see the people but the people could not see them and then he said they were on their way to our house this happened around the time of the Jewish holiday feast of tabernacles / Rosh Hashanah. It is said that in this specific time the Jews believe that the Messiah actually comes down and is walking around on earth during this specific time. Wow this blew my mind Not long after this one morning he called to me “mommy, mommy I heard a voice and it said Jesus is coming soon”. I asked him do you know who’s voice it was Hugo yes mommy it was God’s voice. September 2013 My daughter Kirsten (Juan Hugo’s older sister) came to me on 29 Sept 2013 and told me that Jesus came to fetch her in her dream, she couldn’t see the face of Jesus but just saw a bright light but knew that it was Jesus. He spoke to her and she said that He showed her the narrow and the broad way and told her that she must make sure that she choose the right path. This is similar to what Jesus had shown and told (my son) little Juan Hugo as well. Then she said to me “Mommy Oh yes, Jesus said HE IS COMING SOON”!!! “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants – things which must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John, who bore witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, to all things that he saw. Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.” (Rev 1,1-3) “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2Pet 1,20-21) Blessings and Kindest Regards Adele Basson, Juan Hugo’s mother Juan Hugo 7 years old & his mother Adele If you want to surrender your life to the Lord and receive salvation please see our page titled salvationfor instruction on how to do this. Please freely share this testimony with others

Friday, September 19, 2014

Final part....... I am the Watcher, the All Seeing Eye, the Omnipresent Father ever dwelling within and speaking through your Heart! Voice of Shepherd Spiritual-September-Secret 19 (S*S*S-19) "One who has found the way into his or her own Heart has indeed found Life, for out of your Heart is the issuing of your Life"

Continuation......Trying their best, the little brave girls were startled by a dazzling torch flashing light on their frightened faces. He was the Watchman on patrol and he rescued them first to his house where to pacify them, he taught them a lesson The Watchman said: I am the Christ the Watcher of life and your life is a parable. Little Dimn is actually your minD. Ulos who was to be harmed is your soUl while the one who inspired the entire escape plan is your own hearT. The orphanage is eArth and the workers are the many organizations (religious, commercial, government etc) who dictate your life in a bid to exchange you for the highest bidder. The famous politicians are your many Gods and Superheroes in whom you put your trust and hopes but who simply feed upon your Soul energies! Note:- Unless you follow your HEART, you're in danger for only your heart can lead you to ME. Listen to your heart for by so doing, your soul is guarded from harm even so, your mind would never be abandoned.

Raping Virgins Again...? Three little orphans, two girls and a boy ran away from Areth Orphanage home because the orphanage workers had began to sell some of the virgin girls as sex slaves! The sex-slave-buyeris a famous politician who disguises as a caregiver whereas he use these innocent virgins girls to satisfy his wild orgies. Each child is sold for #30,000 only! But thank God for Thera, one of the three orphans who overhead a phone conversations in which a worker negotiated for Ulos, one of her best friends, so Thera sneaked stealthily through the dormitory, woke the girl, Ulos up and both found a way to pick little Dimn, a four year old orphan boy, along! These young ones scaled a 6feet high fence at midnight and landed outside the orphanage walls. The adventure had only began but little Dimn has gone missing already. His faint voice is heard screaming out of horror as he drew attention to his whereabouts. Alas! Dimn had fallen in a dark ditch.

Instead of complaining about how big an obstacle is, come back to a place of peace. If God is for you, who dare be against you?

What is one of the greatest life lessons you have ever learned? Share it here so we can learn many lessons together. Mine was this: You can save years of making mistakes and working hard by learning exactly what to do from others who have spent years and tons of effort figuring out the exact things I want to know and should be doing to achieve the results I want. Share a key lesson with me.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

I just don’t believe that all women are like this. I think it is rare and another mean stereotype about females, not unlike other negative generalizations (bitch, slut, snob). It is easy to take a few negative experiences and see all future experiences through that lens. People tend to do this about all sorts of bad experiences. Personally, I am so glad that I have had so many great friendships with other women. In fact, I found some wonderful research on how friendships with other women are instrumental in countering severe stress. My female friendships/ relationships are filled with laughter, support, encouragement and love. My connections with my close group of women are a source of strength and enjoyment. Sure, there might be a few girls out there who are stuck in a rut and saying things behind my back.One of the great things about not being in school anymore is that you usually don’t have to hear about it.

I just don’t believe that all women are like this. I think it is rare and another mean stereotype about females, not unlike other negative generalizations (bitch, slut, snob). It is easy to take a few negative experiences and see all future experiences through that lens. People tend to do this about all sorts of bad experiences. Personally, I am so glad that I have had so many great friendships with other women. In fact, I found some wonderful research on how friendships with other women are instrumental in countering severe stress. My female friendships/ relationships are filled with laughter, support, encouragement and love. My connections with my close group of women are a source of strength and enjoyment. Sure, there might be a few girls out there who are stuck in a rut and saying things behind my back.One of the great things about not being in school anymore is that you usually don’t have to hear about it. follow me @

Friday, September 12, 2014

You are a soul whose true nature is light, on a journey to ever-higher levels of consciousness and states of divine expression. Your vitality on that journey is directly proportionate to the vividness of your vision. If you don't have something challenging and fulfilling to awaken for in the morning, you won't rise and shine. Even with a clear purpose, you'll occasionally be distracted and uninspired. The only reason you are not inspired at those times is because you haven't linked what you are doing, to your purpose. Make a list of everything you do in a day and ask yourself: How does this help me fulfill my mission? Keep linking everything to your purpose. Anything you don't see as part of your purpose feels pointless and the ratio of pointlessness to purposefulness is how much 'hell or heaven' you have in your life. The truth is that everything you do is connected.

You do not need to be a politician before you can become Honorable. When men honor you, it is for their own interest and benefit but when God honors you, it is for in your interest and for your glory. Seek the honor that is most honorable. There is only one honorable path and it is the path of Christ. You have been honored with a Divine Honor before the Father released the Breath of Life into you. Indeed within the Breath (Soul) of God is the key to your path of glory. Anointed by the Father's Breath, what can be more honorable than that! Hear then: Christ is the Soul of God which is the Divine Honor blown into your Spirit as your Living Purpose. This Christ of God is the entire plan for creation as designed within the Heart of the Father and you are a puzzle-piece, a tiny fragment of that Christ-Soul Body. Yet you are not tiny because that which is tiny before the Father is Jesus and until you that measure, you do not yet qualify to be called "tiny". I tell you as the Father said to Me (Spirit).

Happy Birthday Lyrics By Bimjimmy CHORUS Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Today is my day ooh, i gat to Celebrate Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Today is your day ooh, you gat to Jubilate Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Today is my day ooh, i gat to Celebrate Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Today is your day ooh, you gat to Jubilate VERSE 1 Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Happy, Happy Celebration Happy, Happy Jubilation Hip Hip Hip Hurray Today is your Birthday Today is your Happy day Thank GOD say you see today Come on lets Pop Champagne Omolojo ibi bosa gbo Today na Today ko ya mujo jo Dance away your sorry and Thank God say Me and You see today ooh

Nigeria is doroscatter, every where is dorobombing... doctors are dorostriking...Ebola is dorospreading... over 200 girls are still doromissing... yet we're dancing dorobucci... we better start doroprayer... so everything will doronormal! Let's send this to doropeople who care for dorocountry, because Nigeria is in dorodanger...


jOkE oF tHe DaY... A son in his late twenties was still living with his parents, who were worried that he seemed unable to decide on a profession. They were unsure of what path he should follow, so in the hope of providing some career guidance, they set up a secret test. They took N10,000.00, a Bible and a bottle of whiskey and put them together on the dinning table. The couple then hid from view in a nearby closet. The father explained to his wife: "If our son takes the money, he will be a businessman, if he takes the Bible, he will become a pastor, but if he takes the whiskey, then I' m afraid he will end up a drunkard. Peeping through the closet keyhole, they saw their son arrive home and look at the items on the table. First he took the N10,000.00, held it up and slipped it into his pocket. Next he picked up the Bible, leafed through it and put it in another pocket. Then he grabbed the bottle of whiskey, took a quick swig and took it with him.

***AS THIS WEEK CLOSE TODAY*** 15 BADS THING IS CLOSED IN YOUR LIFE TODAY!!! (1) Late-Marriage is closed today! (2) Barrenness is closed today! (3) Sickness is closed today! (4) Dissappointmentis closed today! (5) Failure is closed today! (6) Untimely death is closed today! (7) Unwanted Situation is closed today! (8) Reproach is closed today! (9) Sickness is closed today! (10) Household Wickedness is closed today! (11) Foundational Limitation is closed today! (12) Generational Curse is closed today! (13) Joblessness is closed today! (14) Begging is closed today! (15) Defeat is closed today! BUT, BEGINNING FROM THIS MORNING!!! GRACE is opened on your life and marriage today! EXCEEDING GRACE is opened on your life and relationship today! EXCEEDINGLY GRACE is opened on your life and marriage today! INEXPLANABLE GRACE is opened on your life and marriage today! UNDENEABLE GRACE is opened on your life and marriage today! CONGRATULATIONS, CONGRATULATIONS& CONGRATULATIONSin Jesus mighty name!

Dear friend Today is your birthday, reason of happiness for me, because today I remember someone I can trust and to whom I can devote my love and my affection to. For some people, the passage of time seems cruel, but when a friend's birthday comes along, we only think to thank God for the privilege of sharing such precious company in the previous year. Moreover, we cannot forget to ask that this date is repeated indefinitely, for many years to come. Isn’t the completion of another birthday cause for celebration on merit, because in this case it is the merit of nature, is it not? However, people like you deserve to be honored by completing another year of life, simply because you are able to bring happiness to your fellow men. That's why I say, with all sincerity and with love: Happy Birthday! May your life be always full of joy! Big hug, (AYODEJI)

Success is not something you pursue. Success is something you attract by the person you become.

Are you scared of the future? You don't need to be! Once you realize that you have control over your destiny, then the future becomes exciting. You're planting the seeds today for a brighter tomorrow. So, what do you think…is the future scary, or exciting?

There are three ways to conduct a relationship, and each one has an entirely different outcome. A careless relationship is one in which you project and focus on your own values without considering your partner at all. A careful relationship is when you think in terms of your partner’s values without considering your own; this one is called ‘walking on eggshells’. But a caring relationship is one where you communicate your values in terms of theirs. The definition of caring is knowing someone well enough to know their values and caring enough to express your values in terms of theirs. Take the time to identify your partner’s values and then link it to your values to maintain a caring relationship.

It's another weekend! How did you fair with your set goals and objectives? No matter the results, try as much as possible to take things gently. So, as you step out on this last working day of the week, please be careful with the words you say because when the words of your mouth contradicts with your dreams and desires, you will face serious challenges in life. It is a different thing to desire for something and another to contradict it with the words of your mouth. Your words determine your future and the things you say either elevate your spirit or lower it and in turn increase or decrease your level of commitment. If you want to be great, then you must speak greatness into your life and future. If you want to become successful, speak success into your life. If you don't want to experience pain in life, speak joy to your life. Please Let the words of your mouth take total control of your life today and always! ..... HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND AHEAD! ....

"In my experience, there is only one motivation, and that is desire. No reasons or principle contain it or stand against it." - Jane Smiley

There are three types of people in the world: 1- Those who make it happen 2- Those who watch it happen and 3- Those who wonder...What happened? Which type are you - or does it depend on "what's happening" ??

There are three types of people in the world: 1- Those who make it happen 2- Those who watch it happen and 3- Those who wonder...What happened? Which type are you - or does it depend on "what's happening" ??

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

There are three ways to conduct a relationship, and each one has an entirely different outcome. A careless relationship is one in which you project and focus on your own values without considering your partner at all. A careful relationship is when you think in terms of your partner’s values without considering your own; this one is called ‘walking on eggshells’. But a caring relationship is one where you communicate your values in terms of theirs. The definition of caring is knowing someone well enough to know their values and caring enough to express your values in terms of theirs. Take the time to identify your partner’s values and then link it to your values to maintain a caring relationship.

Dear friend Today is your birthday, reason of happiness for me, because today I remember someone I can trust and to whom I can devote my love and my affection to. For some people, the passage of time seems cruel, but when a friend's birthday comes along, we only think to thank God for the privilege of sharing such precious company in the previous year. Moreover, we cannot forget to ask that this date is repeated indefinitely, for many years to come. Isn’t the completion of another birthday cause for celebration on merit, because in this case it is the merit of nature, is it not? However, people like you deserve to be honored by completing another year of life, simply because you are able to bring happiness to your fellow men. That's why I say, with all sincerity and with love: Happy Birthday! May your life be always full of joy! Big hug, (AYODEJI)

Dear friend Today is your birthday, reason of happiness for me, because today I remember someone I can trust and to whom I can devote my love and my affection to. For some people, the passage of time seems cruel, but when a friend's birthday comes along, we only think to thank God for the privilege of sharing such precious company in the previous year. Moreover, we cannot forget to ask that this date is repeated indefinitely, for many years to come. Isn’t the completion of another birthday cause for celebration on merit, because in this case it is the merit of nature, is it not? However, people like you deserve to be honored by completing another year of life, simply because you are able to bring happiness to your fellow men. That's why I say, with all sincerity and with love: Happy Birthday! May your life be always full of joy! Big hug, (AYODEJI)

When I woke up early this morning lying on my bed,I was asking myself,What are some of the secrets of success in life? I found out that the answers were right there In my room. The FAN said........Be cool. The ROOF said......Aim high. The WINDOW said.....See the world. The CLOCK said.....Every minute is precious. The MIRROR said....... Reflect before you act. The CALENDAR said..... Be-up-to- date. The DOOR said....Push hard for your goals. The ELECTRIC BULB said...Light up your life. AND NOT TO FORGET,THE CARPET SAID...KNEEL DOWN AND PRAY. Endeavor to talk to that YOUNG MAN up there!! Bcos if there is a man to pray there is a God to answer!! I PRAY THAT ANYTHING YOU DO TODAY SHALL BE SUCCESSFUL.

When I woke up early this morning lying on my bed,I was asking myself,What are some of the secrets of success in life? I found out that the answers were right there In my room. The FAN said........Be cool. The ROOF said......Aim high. The WINDOW said.....See the world. The CLOCK said.....Every minute is precious. The MIRROR said....... Reflect before you act. The CALENDAR said..... Be-up-to- date. The DOOR said....Push hard for your goals. The ELECTRIC BULB said...Light up your life. AND NOT TO FORGET,THE CARPET SAID...KNEEL DOWN AND PRAY. Endeavor to talk to that YOUNG MAN up there!! Bcos if there is a man to pray there is a God to answer!! I PRAY THAT ANYTHING YOU DO TODAY SHALL BE SUCCESSFUL.

When I woke up early this morning lying on my bed,I was asking myself,What are some of the secrets of success in life? I found out that the answers were right there In my room. The FAN said........Be cool. The ROOF said......Aim high. The WINDOW said.....See the world. The CLOCK said.....Every minute is precious. The MIRROR said....... Reflect before you act. The CALENDAR said..... Be-up-to- date. The DOOR said....Push hard for your goals. The ELECTRIC BULB said...Light up your life. AND NOT TO FORGET,THE CARPET SAID...KNEEL DOWN AND PRAY. Endeavor to talk to that YOUNG MAN up there!! Bcos if there is a man to pray there is a God to answer!! I PRAY THAT ANYTHING YOU DO TODAY SHALL BE SUCCESSFUL.

Full Name: Biobaku Ayodeji Gender: male Age: 18 Contact Address: no. 15 amugbekun irepodun road, along abeokuta road. Apata, Ibadan, Nigeria. State: oyo City: ibadan Country of Residence: Nigeria Occupation: student Mobile: +2348035109134 Nationality: Nigerian

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

┏━━━┓╋╋╋┏━━━┓╋┏┓┏┓ ┃┏━┓┃╋╋╋┗┓┏┓┃╋┃┃┃┃ ┃┃╋┗╋━━┓╋┃┃┃┃╋┃┃┃┃ ┃┃┏━┫┏┓┃╋┃┃┃┣┓┃┃┗┛ ┃┗┻━┃┗┛┃┏┛┗┛┃┗┛┃┏┓ ┗━━━┻━━┛┗━━━┻━━┛┗┛ Can you see it? LOL it took me a while as well!!!

When I woke up early this morning lying on my bed,I was asking myself,What are some of the secrets of success in life? I found out that the answers were right there In my room. The FAN said........Be cool. The ROOF said......Aim high. The WINDOW said.....See the world. The CLOCK said.....Every minute is precious. The MIRROR said....... Reflect before you act. The CALENDAR said..... Be-up-to- date. The DOOR said....Push hard for your goals. The ELECTRIC BULB said...Light up your life. AND NOT TO FORGET,THE CARPET SAID...KNEEL DOWN AND PRAY. Endeavor to talk to that YOUNG MAN up there!! Bcos if there is a man to pray there is a God to answer!! I PRAY THAT ANYTHING YOU DO TODAY SHALL BE SUCCESSFUL.

You are a soul whose true nature is light, on a journey to ever-higher levels of consciousness and states of divine expression. Your vitality on that journey is directly proportionate to the vividness of your vision. If you don't have something challenging and fulfilling to awaken for in the morning, you won't rise and shine. Even with a clear purpose, you'll occasionally be distracted and uninspired. The only reason you are not inspired at those times is because you haven't linked what you are doing, to your purpose. Make a list of everything you do in a day and ask yourself: How does this help me fulfill my mission? Keep linking everything to your purpose. Anything you don't see as part of your purpose feels pointless and the ratio of pointlessness to purposefulness is how much 'hell or heaven' you have in your life. The truth is that everything you do is connected.