Thursday, September 18, 2014

I just don’t believe that all women are like this. I think it is rare and another mean stereotype about females, not unlike other negative generalizations (bitch, slut, snob). It is easy to take a few negative experiences and see all future experiences through that lens. People tend to do this about all sorts of bad experiences. Personally, I am so glad that I have had so many great friendships with other women. In fact, I found some wonderful research on how friendships with other women are instrumental in countering severe stress. My female friendships/ relationships are filled with laughter, support, encouragement and love. My connections with my close group of women are a source of strength and enjoyment. Sure, there might be a few girls out there who are stuck in a rut and saying things behind my back.One of the great things about not being in school anymore is that you usually don’t have to hear about it.

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