Thursday, October 23, 2014

END TIME-A MUST READ THIS--------A CONFIRMED LIVE REVELATIONAL MESSAGES FROM JESUS DIRECTLY TO SISTER RACHEAL MUSHALA...........BEWARE OF FALSE PASTORS AND COMPROMISING MINISTERS WARNINGS FROM GOD TO PREACHERS & THEIR FOLLOWERS The following warnings to preachers and their followers were given to me by the Lord Jesus Christ.The first time was given these warnings was during prayer at home,the last time was today. They are shared here so the followers will be warned. TB JOSHUA The Lord Jesus Christ said TB Joshua is must repent because he is leading God's people to hell by not preaching repentance. "He is deceiving leading my people to hell.they are all headed for hell unless they repent." "Tb Joshua is populating hell.He is satan's tool to populate hell" "My people are being deceived because of following not follow miracles only,even satan can perform miracles.followmy word because it is the same forever" The Lord was in pain,I felt The Lord's pain.I felt pain like a dagger went through my heart. The Lord Jesus Christ said,"I gave my life for these people but TB Joshua is leading them to hell,to destruction.unless they repent they are all headed for hell" "Many are already in hell and many will go to hell because of him." KENNETH COPELAND The Lord Jesus Christ said Kenneth Copeland is also leading God's people astray and must repent and preach the truth. The Lord was really angry at this point when talking about Copeland and He said,"He must turn to me and repent.if he doesn't repent I ll throw him into the lake of fire.He is taking his followers to hell." BENNY HINN The Lord said Benny Hinn is also taking his followers to hell. The Lord Jesus Christ said,"he does not preach repentence but only talks about prosperity.if he doesn't repent he will go to hell.Him and his followers are headed for hell.that is where he is taking them." The Lord was really angry about prosperity gospel preachers and He said ,"They have populated hell" "All they talk about is prosperity,theydon't warn my people about sin.what is money if you lose your own soul?" Jesus was really sorrowful and He said,"ALL PROSPERITY GOSPEL PREACHERS ARE HEADED FOR HELL because they have misled my people now think christianity is all about blessings and they do not tell them about churches are full of sin and all they tell them is prosperity.Theyare all headed for hell unless they repent." The Lord said,"I don't care how many they are,all I respect is my word and I have said,'the wicked will not inherit my kingdom'" "All these preachers you see on tv,very few preach my word.the majority are just taking people to hell.These are prescious souls that I created,they are leading them to hell. WARNING ABOUT SEXUAL SIN The Lord Jesus Christ told me satan has poured demons of sexual immoraliry into schools,colleges,and universities. He said,"satan has sent demons to make people fall into sexual sin and make it seem like premarital sex is normalal The Lord said,"IT IS DISGUSTING BEFORE MY EYES.I cannot behold it" "Even christians engange in sexual sin and think its word does not change,it is still the same.I will make exceptions for no man" And the Lord said I should emphasise this"Anyone who kisses a person they are not married to,regardless of how much they pray,will remain when I come,I cannot take them with me when I come.flee from sexual immorality" "I the Lord Iam coming only for a pure bride,am coming very soon" Romans 11:29"gifts and callings are without repentence" Gods gifts cannot be withdrawn,that's why a person may move away from the path of right but still have the same gift they had doesn't mean they are right with God and that's why many will say,"we prophesied,healed the sick IN YOUR NAME"(matthew 7:22-24) You can be able to hear God's voice but if you are living in sin will still endup in hell. Isaiah 56:10-11"for the leaders of my people ,the Lord's watchmen,His shepherds are blind and ignorant.They are like silent watchdogs that give no warning when danger comes.They love to lie around,sleepingand dreaming.Like greedy dogs,they are never satisfied,they are ignorant shepherds.all following their own path and intent on personal gain." TO GET IN TOUCH WITH RACHEAL MUSHALA BEING REVEALED BY GOD, PLEASE CONTACT HER THROUGH HER FACEBOOK PAGE

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