Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Get Rid of Artificial Things TheLord Jesus told us He doesn’t want Christian women to be artificial in any way; He said He doesn’t want them to use artificial hair, jewelry (ear rings, bracelets etc.), artificial eyelashes, artificial nails, paint nails, lipstick, eyebrow pencil, or use any of that makeup. He wants them to remain the way they were created. Be proud of how He created you. That’s what pleases him. When He said this, there was anger in His voice, He said, “Why are you trying to change what I have created? I don’t want those things on My children. If you want those things, why don’t you make your own humans that you are going to put those things on. Don’t change what I’ve made! “All these artificial things are from satan. I don’t want them on my children,” Jesus doesn’t want them. Get rid of them and repent. They will lead you to hell. The Lord showed me something very shocking; I saw a demon in form of a woman and it was wearing all that stuff: artificial eyelashes, lipstick, and tight clothing. It was only then that I realized where these things originate; from satan himself. He told us how these things are from hell and satan has brought them to earth to deceive humanity. I am not exaggerating. I am saying it as the Lord said it. It’s my responsibility to warn you about this, because we are all going to face God one day. I am telling you the truth. Jesus doesn’t like those things. He is pleased when we remain the way He created us; this is what He told us. Modesty and Holiness He also told us He doesn’t want Christian women to wear trousers or jewelry. The Lord allowed my sister to hear satan giving instructions to his demons. He was saying, "Make sure they write 'LADIES TROUSERS' (on the label) so that women will wear them and come to hell.” The Lord also showed me a demon in the form of a naked woman, standing on a high wall. Though totally naked and on a high wall, this demon kept trying to hide its nakedness by just covering itself in bits, using its hands and squatting. But it wouldn’t put on any clothes! Jesus told me, "This is the demon of nudity that controls women in the world, and that is why they go out in public naked and only cover their bodies in bits." Jesus also told me something else. He said, "This demon of nudity has entered many churches." Jesus told me satan knows that many Christian women will no longer wear jewelry like bracelets, so he has changed the design of the jewelry to trap them. I don’t know if these watches are everywhere, but in my country there are these bracelet-watches. They are designed exactly like a bracelet, but have got a small thing in the middle where you can see the time. But Jesus told me its only a trick from satan so women will say, "It's only a watch." I also saw spirits of snakes in these bracelet-watches. He said He wants complete holiness and we must obey the whole Bible. The Lord said, "Follow My Word." He also said, “The world has entered My church. People in church now dress like those of the world. They’ve brought satanic music into the church; rock, hip hop. Have you ever heard the angels rapping? How can you rap and say you are singing for God?” When the Lord said this, there was anger in His voice.

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