Wednesday, October 22, 2014

GOLD, GLORY, GIRLS or GOD We desire gold, we desire glory, we also desire girls but none desire God. Who made these three things? God Can we get them without God's help? No. If yes, you can only if you want to soil yourselves with sin and stain your garments of righteousness with unwashable stubborn black spots which can only be washed with the blood of the Lamb and who is the Lamb? Jesus. What does gold represents? Money. What does glory represents? Praise What does girls represents? Beauty What does God represents? Everything! God is everything you ever want. Many run for gold which is which money. Even the pastors, ministers, evangelists, prayer warriors, choristers, in fact, all of them in the church and outside the church. We need money because it is everything. But who is everything? Gold or God? If Gold, then you love Gold more than God, your Creator and He has no place in your life. But if God, then why running after gold since He can give it to you for it is written silver and gold are mine, says the Lord. Money can buy you everything but cannot buy Heaven. Remember Simon that sorcerer, who thought he could use money to buy the power of the Holy Ghost (Acts 8:18,19). We are all know that we need money for financial reasons and do any thing we can to get it but if we do not ask God for it first before asking other people, we make ourselves ATHEISTS. Believe it or not. I pray that God gives us wisdom but not earthly wisdom but heavenly wisdom in whatever we ask God when we pray in the name of Jesus in Jesus name. Amen. Another problem we have in the church is GLORY. Many men of God and popular personalities desire praises from men. Even those on Facebook who thirst for praises for their works on their Facebook posts. People show off to receive praises just like pharisees did. They prayed in public places for their voices to be heard and give alms for others to see them so that people would believed them to be righteous. Consequently, they used their popularity to crucified Jesus Christ but Halleluyah!!! He lives! He reigns!! He rules!!! I was a victim to it. Someone used its popularity and posted my name against me and it hurt. Brethren, Glory or God which one do you desire? I know you will say God. If God, give all the glory to HIM and tell others also. Remember, in Heaven, you shall be full of glory. I pray that it shall be your portion in Jesus' name! Amen! What again? Girls? Aha! Girls are full of beauty. In other words, they means PLEASURES OF THE FLESH. Girls have power over males. Their power lies in their bodies. Look at the world around you....girls are more in number than males. The major reason was that they survived at childbirth than males. Males are more weaker and more venerable at birth and can lead them to their immature death. With so many girls around, males are in trouble. They are the greatest human weapon for sexual immorality. Their power lies in their bodies. As for males, their power lies in their words of their mouth but not strength. Many men of God went a strayed because of girls. Many prayer warriors went a strayed because of them. Many husbands went astrayed because of them. Many brothers in Christ went astrayed because of them. Sisters, if you know what what can lead males astray, stop it... You may say it is not your fault but it is your duty to see that people make it to heaven for you are not on your own. Brothers, if you know how you are speaking to girls, be careful, lest you make their heart and mind swell and their bodies intensify with sexual feelings with your gentle touch. Brothers, I challenge you to chose girls or God.....which of these do you want to control your heart, thoughts, body, feelings? All powers belong to God. Seek God for grace to resist and strength to flee from sin. I pray that God Almighty create a new heart within you which will make you unyielding and unmoved to sin and girls and give you the power not to fall in Jesus' name! Amen!!! Finally, brethren, the Word of God tells us to seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His RIGHTEOUSNESS and ALL many? AAAALLLL.....all these things shall be added unto you. I believe you are shouting AMEN. Once you shout AMEN you will receive all these things in no time at all and they shall be greater, better, brighter in Jesus name! Amen!!! Brethren, if you are one of those that seek gold, glory, girls more than God, repent now lest you be found guilty at the JUDGEMENT SEAT on the last days. Remain blessed as you share.

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